Exiled Students - DEFLE - French as a Foreign Language

University Diploma (D.U.) “TREMPLIN”

In partnership with Bordeaux University of and the association AIME, the Department of French as a foreign language (DEFLE) of Bordeaux Montaigne University  is happy to announce the University Diploma (D.U.) “TREMPLIN”.




28 candidates who meet the following criterias will be accepted :

  • To be in exile (asylum seeker, refugee or subsidiary protection)
  • to have a A2 french level
  • To have the project to start or resume  studies in higher education after obtained the level B2 in french.
  • To have the entry requirement for University (candidates must hold either a qualification allowing them to register at university, or a secondary school leavers’ qualification )
  • To be under the age of 30
  • To live in the Nouvelle Aquitaine department 

Students enrolled in the program who are under 28 and have the refugee or subsidiary protections status will be able to apply for student housing and student grants via the CROUS.


  • From September to May
  • 20 hrs of classes per week
  • 12 weeks per semester


  • To obtain your B2 level of French (required to apply for most courses of the French Higher Educational system)
  • To prepare yourself for a higher education course
  • To obtain your French certification DELF DALF


  • French classes
  • Sports activities
  • Cultural activities
  • Support in defining your professional project (how to apply for courses, where to apply, choice of course…)
