This programme provides a thorough training in ethical reflection, as applied to the care and health sectors.
This Master’s is available as a continued-development programme and constitutes a response to demands from health professionals who have found that they lack the necessary theoretical understanding to support their practice. This Master’s programme can thus be a way of reinforcing professional development or a career change. Alternatively, as a basic programme of initial study this programme can prepare students for professions related to training, mediation and supervision in the fields of care and health. The programme opened in 2005 (under its original title ‘Practical Philosophy: Human Life and Medicine’) with the ambition of meeting these new training needs via the creation of strong links between the practices of health professionals on the one hand, and academic knowledge deriving from the disciplines of the human sciences and law on the other.
Programme objectives
Throughout this Master’s programme, students can expect to acquire a strong general grounding in the field of care, ethics and health (a good understanding of the health sector and the professional practices to be found there; broad general knowledge of the domains of medicine, medical ethics and bioethics). Students must also become familiar with academic skills and practices (methods for interrogating a given issue and reflecting critically, a good command of written expression and clear argumentation, introduction to bibliographic work). The acquisition of these two key skill sets ultimately contributes to the thorough training of our students in ethical thought. First and foremost the programme develops a capacity for sophisticated expression of theory-driven and practice-based ideas. It encourages a propensity for sensitive reflection on the singularity of clinical cases and equips students to face the necessity for – and often the difficulty associated with – interdisciplinary reflection and collaborative negotiations.
The team of teaching staff brings together academic specialists from the Departments of Philosophy, Law, and Human and Social Sciences on the one hand (university lecturer-researchers from Université Bordeaux Montaigne and the University of Bordeaux) and health professionals on the other (hospital practitioners, teaching hospital practitioners, heads of hospital departments, town doctors, paramedics, healthcare executives).
Training content
Programme organisation
The Master’s programme in Care, Ethics and Health is a professional specialisation. This one-year Master 2 programme is equivalent to the second year of the two-year French Master’s programme.
Classes take place across twelve two-day sessions. The sessions run twice a month from October to April and give rise to two sets of evaluation, one in January and the other in April. These twelve sessions must go hand-in-hand with concrete experience of the professional context (either via a programme of continued development or via an internship). Students must also write an end-of-studies dissertation.
Please note: it may be possible to adapt this programme of study to take place across two or three years, should a student’s professional circumstances justify this.
There are three interdisciplinary seminars within a unit entitled Ethics of Care and Philosophies of Medicine.
Each one of these seminars is led by a university lecturer-researcher from the Department of Philosophy at Université Bordeaux Montaigne. Each one is often in fact made up of two double-sessions of a half-day each, either with a professional from the health or care sectors or with a different lecturer-researcher from within the Departments of Philosophy, Law, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology or Economics. The content of these sessions is constantly renewed and updated, thanks to the current research projects among the lecturer-researchers and in light of on-going dialogue with practitioners.
These seminar units aim to familiarise students with research skills: producing research questions and interrogating a line of thought; critical reflection on current practices and formulating a rigorous line of argument sustained by good general and interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of ethics, care and healthcare.
Professors of law from the University of Bordeaux teach a further course unit entitled Law and Health.
This course unit aims to introduce students to the critical reading of legal texts and to the history of law, giving them an understanding of legal reasoning on the subject of health.
External participants, who are specialists in medicine, medical ethics and bioethics, teach a course unit entitled History and Current Affairs in Bioethics.
This course unit aims to familiarise students with the critical reading of bioethics, deontological and legal texts, and to help them understand and integrate the key points of the history of biomedical ethics.
External participants, who are health and care professionals, lead sessions on Practices in Care and Medicine.
These sessions aim to expose students to current practices of professionals (current knowledge trends, skills and ethical norms) but also to the ethical, legal and deontological questions to which such practices might give rise. These questions concern the practitioners as much as they do the patients and are indeed relevant for society as a whole.
During these sessions students gain a first-hand introduction from professionals to the world of health, to the analysis of certain practical and clinical case studies and to procedures within the field of ethics and for negotiation with colleagues.
Access condition
Find information regarding enrolment procedures and the supporting documents to be provided, according to your profile and your level of studies :
Career pathways
En formation continue
Le master Soin, Éthique et Santé peut asseoir la progression du diplômé dans sa carrière sanitaire et sociale ou renforcer un parcours de reconversion professionnelle.
- Progression dans la carrière : son diplôme lui permet de prendre un recul réflexif sur sa pratique professionnelle, lui donne plus d’assurance à son poste de travail, et lui permet d’élargir son réseau professionnel en l’intégrant à de nouveaux collectifs (réseaux de santé, milieu associatif, espaces bioéthiques, comités d’éthique etc.). Son diplôme lui assure en outre un niveau de formation universitaire et une certification supplémentaire en vue d’une progression de carrière.
- Parcours de reconversion : il peut également renforcer une reconversion, ou préparer sa réorientation vers de nouveaux secteurs d’activité. Il constitue par exemple un sérieux complément de CV pour les professionnels qui souhaitent s’orienter vers des activités d’enseignement et de formation dans le domaine du soin, de l’éthique et de la santé.
En formation initiale
Le master Soin, Éthique et Santé forme principalement aux métiers de la formation, de la médiation, et de l’encadrement.
- Métiers de la formation : les diplômés du master peuvent prétendre à des postes de formateur dans les instituts de formation aux carrières sanitaires et sociales. Ils peuvent également assurer des activités de formation et/ou d’animation dans les espaces éthiques, les réseaux professionnels et le milieu associatif, ou encore s’orienter vers une spécialisation en communication sur les questions d’éthique et de santé (médias, espaces culturels etc.). S’ils poursuivent en doctorat (admission sur dossier), ils peuvent prétendre à des postes d’enseignement et de recherche à l’université
- Métiers de la médiation : ce master renforce un parcours de formation dans les nouveaux métiers de la médiation qui se développent dans le champ de la santé, de l’action sociale, du droit et de l’éthique
- Métiers de l’encadrement : ce master peut constituer l’une des étapes du parcours individualisé de l’étudiant vers d’autres formations préparant aux concours de la fonction publique (cadres de santé, emplois de catégorie A) dans le secteur sanitaire et social.
Further studies
Si le mémoire de master donne des garanties suffisantes, une poursuite des études en doctorat peut être envisagée, encadrée par l’un des enseignants chercheurs de l’équipe « Sciences, Philosophie, Humanités » (SPH).
Dans ce cas, une inscription préalable en master Recherche sera préconisée, entre le master 2 de « Soin, Éthique et Santé » et l’inscription en doctorat proprement dite. Cette étape intermédiaire permettra à l’étudiant d’approfondir sa formation générale en philosophie et de mûrir son projet de thèse.