Undergraduate Licence Geography and Planning - DEFLE - French as a Foreign Language

Undergraduate Licence Geography and Planning



The undergraduate Licence in Geography and Planning enables students to acquire the fundamentals of the discipline. This is taught via a range of course units, combined with a substantial presence in the field. The programme offers a solid training for those students who are planning to enter into research, or who envisage a career in professions related to the environment, to planning and territorial development, or in more traditional areas such as teaching (at any level).

In order to enable students to progressively specialise in their chosen profession, there is a choice of four possible subject pathways in the third year of study. These are: the Geography: ‘Planning and the Environment’ (GAE) pathway, the ‘Geography and Territorial Development’ (GDT) pathway, the ‘Social, Cultural and Political Geography’ (GSCP) pathway, and finally the ‘Geography: Resources and Environmental Management’ (GERE) pathway. Each of these pathways enables students to tackle, within the context of their chosen specialism, the issues arising from and concerns relative to complex systems at local and global level.


By the end of this programme of study, students will have good command of following areas:  a capacity to rethink and present an argument in relation to a particular case; a command of both geography-specific methods (cartography, GIS) and methods used in social sciences more generally (statistics, survey techniques, studying the semiotics of images), and an ability to communicate an overview of a line of thought, be it in written, graphical or digital form.

Some course units have been merged with either the undergraduate Licence in Information and Communications Studies, or the undergraduate Licence in History. As a result, there are a number of pathways into other courses at the end of the first, second and third semesters of this Licence, thus enabling students to redirect the course of their studies. Students in the first year of the undergraduate Licence in Geography are therefore able to change direction towards one of these two programmes (subject to approval from the teaching boards of the disciplines concerned).

After the second year of the undergraduate Licence in Geography, students may also choose to redirect their studies towards a choice of two, more vocational, specialisms in planning. The third year of the undergraduate Licence in ‘Future Development: Urban Planning and Sustainable Regional Development’ (AUDTD) offers a more urban-oriented pathway, whilst the vocational undergraduate Licence in ‘Enhancement, Organisation and Mediation in Rural Territories’ (VAMTR) offers a more rural perspective.

The undergraduate Licence in Geography benefits from a system whereby students are guided and supported with the help of a tutor during their first year, and then more generally via a system of evaluation based on continuous assessment and attendance. 



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