DAEFLE qualification: enrolment - DEFLE - French as a Foreign Language

How to apply for the DAEFLE training programme

Candidates are selected in two phases:

1. Eligibility

The applications for the acamedic year 2023-2024 have to be done online directly.

2. Admission

If the application meets these initial requirements, the candidate will then be invited by email to an interview. This  interview will take place on June 7 or 14 2023. Theses date are definitives and the candidate cannot choose.

During this interview in front of a panel of judges, the candidates will present their professional experience as well as their motivation for undertaking this programme of study.

Recruitment results

The recruitment results will be communicated by email in mid-July.

Once the results have been announced, successful candidates must confirm the acceptance of their place and pay.


See : Fees for the DAEFLE training

Apply for training

Read the law about the protection of personal information

The applications are open from March 15 to May 21st 2023. They have to be done online. If you wish that the admissibility of your application is studied,

